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HSEQ (Health, Safety, Environment and Quality) and Compliance
MAKIBER’s mission is to provide integrated, sustainable solutions for our clients all over the world, thereby contributing towards enhancing quality of life for the beneficiaries of our projects and developing their communities and countries.
Every project aims to meet client’s full satisfaction and is undertaken by upholding our commitments towards society.
Committed to the social environment
We strive to create well-paid, secure jobs, based on equal opportunities and non-discrimination. By doing so, we contribute towards generating wealth and welfare.
Through training, we are involved in fostering the professional and personal development of all our employees.
We actively defend human and employment rights recognised by relevant international organizations; we assure equal opportunities and treatment, with no discrimination whatsoever in relation to sex, ideology, religion or any other social or individual circumstances or conditions.
Committed to innovation We contribute to enhance technical and technological development to foster the sustainability of what we do. In this regard, we have patented the parametric hospital.
Innovation and development enable us to continue to progress towards satisfying and meeting the requirements of our clients and society in general.
Committed to the natural environment
Through our environment policy dioambiental we stress our commitment toward compliance with the criteria set out in the standard ISO-14001:2015 (IQNet) (Aenor)
Committed to quality
This commitment, in the form ofour Quality Policy, is developed according to the criteria established under the standard ISO-9001:2015 (IQNet) (Aenor)
Health and Safety
Our OHS Policy complies with the criteria established under the standard ISO 45001:2018 (IQNet) (Aenor).
Committed to ethics and integrity
The organisation is committed to complying with the highest standards of business ethics and has a Corporate Compliance Programme since 04 October 2016, which is periodically reviewed by external consultants of recognised prestige (Certificate UNE 19601:2017 and Certificate ISO 37001:2016 Aenor and IQNet) and which sets out, in an organised manner, the measures implemented to create an environment of prevention, detection and early management of risks.
Among other things, this programme has a special focus on the fight against criminal and anti-competitive offences, ensuring the highest level of integrity in all business practices.
The organisation adheres to the VINCI Codes, which sets out the principles shared by all its employees and business partners and whose fundamental values are defined in the 5 reference documents listed below:
- The Code of Ethics and Conduct, which sets out all the principles of business ethics to be applied in different circumstances and in all the countries in which the firm operates.
- It is used in conjunction with the Anti-Corruption Code of Conduct, which sets out standards to prevent all acts of corruption, in particular by identifying risks in business processes and defining behaviour to be avoided.
- The Human Rights Guide, which summarises potential risks and their impact on the business and defines a common set of guidelines for dealing with human rights issues.
These guidelines are based on the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the 8 core conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.
- The Declaration on Fundamental and Essential Actions on Safety and Health at Work, which reflects the common will to achieve the goal of ‘Zero Accidents’. The declaration is the result of a constructive and regular social dialogue. As part of a policy of continuous improvement, it reaffirms that progress can only be made with all employees by promoting a culture of safety.
- Environmental guidelines, which provide a framework designed to minimise the risks and impacts of activities on the environment. All companies must follow these guidelines so that policies and procedures can be improved and adapted to protect and preserve the environment wherever they operate. Each business unit is responsible for ensuring that similar efforts are made by business partners throughout the life of a project.
The Corporate Compliance Programme consists of the following documents:
Committed to ethics and integrity
We grow responsibly, prudently and managing resources in the most effective way, in the pursuit of company development.
Our activities are carried out in accordance with the highest standards of business ethics and in compliance with current law.
Makiber Board of Directors and Management have decided to continue raising awareness among all our employees, in aspects related to compliance with the legality and Makiber values.
For this reason, on 25 October 2016, the Board of Directors approved a compliance programme. Subsequently, the Criminal Compliance Management System implemented in Makiber on the basis of standard UNE 19601:2017 was submitted to a certification process, successfully completed at the end of 2018 (Certificate of Criminal Compliance Management System), together with the Anti-Bribery Management System based on ISO 37001:2016 at the end of 2019 (IQNet) (Aenor)