HSEQ and Compliance

HSEQ (Health, Safety, Environment and Quality) and Compliance

MAKIBER’s mission is to provide integrated, sustainable solutions for our clients all over the world, thereby contributing towards enhancing quality of life for the beneficiaries of our projects and developing their communities and countries.

Every project aims to meet client’s full satisfaction and is undertaken by upholding our commitments towards society.

Committed to the social environment

We strive to create well-paid, secure jobs, based on equal opportunities and non-discrimination. By doing so, we contribute towards generating wealth and welfare.

Through training, we are involved in fostering the professional and personal development of all our employees.

We actively defend human and employment rights recognised by relevant international organizations; we assure equal opportunities and treatment, with no discrimination whatsoever in relation to sex, ideology, religion or any other social or individual circumstances or conditions.

Committed to innovation We contribute to enhance technical and technological development to foster the sustainability of what we do. In this regard, we have patented the parametric hospital.

Innovation and development enable us to continue to progress towards satisfying and meeting the requirements of our clients and society in general.

Committed to the natural environment

We minimise the impact of our activities and encourage efforts to combat climate change, protect biodiversity and foster the efficient use of energy and water resources.

Through our environment policy dioambiental we stress our commitment toward compliance with the criteria set out in the standard ISO-14001:2015 (IQNet) (Aenor)

Committed to quality

We work according to the highest standards of quality and efficiency, focusing our efforts on continuous improvement and the sustainability of every task specific to our activity.

This commitment, in the form ofour Quality Policy, is developed according to the criteria established under the standard ISO-9001:2015 (IQNet) (Aenor)

Health and Safety

We are fully committed to health and safety at work, providing safe, stable working environments and constantly reviewing our OHS measures.

Our OHS Policy complies with the criteria established under the standard ISO 45001:2018 (IQNet) (Aenor).

Committed to ethics and integrity

We grow responsibly, prudently and managing resources in the most effective way, in the pursuit of company development.

Our activities are carried out in accordance with the highest standards of business ethics and in compliance with current law.

Makiber Board of Directors and Management have decided to continue raising awareness among all our employees, in aspects related to compliance with the legality and Makiber values.

For this reason, on 25 October 2016, the Board of Directors approved a compliance programme. Subsequently, the Criminal Compliance Management System implemented in Makiber on the basis of standard UNE 19601:2017 was submitted to a certification process, successfully completed at the end of 2018 (Certificate of Criminal Compliance Management System), together with the Anti-Bribery Management System based on ISO 37001:2016 at the end of 2019 (IQNet) (Aenor)

Committed to ethics and integrity

We grow responsibly, prudently and managing resources in the most effective way, in the pursuit of company development.

Our activities are carried out in accordance with the highest standards of business ethics and in compliance with current law.

Makiber Board of Directors and Management have decided to continue raising awareness among all our employees, in aspects related to compliance with the legality and Makiber values.

For this reason, on 25 October 2016, the Board of Directors approved a compliance programme. Subsequently, the Criminal Compliance Management System implemented in Makiber on the basis of standard UNE 19601:2017 was submitted to a certification process, successfully completed at the end of 2018 (Certificate of Criminal Compliance Management System), together with the Anti-Bribery Management System based on ISO 37001:2016 at the end of 2019 (IQNet) (Aenor)

En este contexto y para cumplir con este objetivo, se identifica la normativa más importante del Grupo VINCI en materia de Compliance, que forma parte de nuestro Sistema de Gestión de Compliance Penal y Antisoborno:

Seguidamente, se incluye el listado de los Protocolos de COBRA SCE, que igualmente forman parte de nuestro Sistema de Gestión de Compliance Penal y Antisoborno:

  • COBRA SCE: Protocolo Marco
  • COBRA SCE: Protocolo de Cumplimiento Normativo
  • COBRA SCE: Protocolo Comunicación Hechos Supuestamente Irregulares
  • COBRA SCE: Protocolo de Activación del Procedimiento de Defensa Corporativa
  • COBRA SCE: Protocolo sobre Formación de los Profesionales en cuestiones de Cumplimiento Normativo
  • COBRA SCE: Protocolo Estatuto OCN, RCC y DCC
  • COBRA SCE: Protocolo Políticas Esenciales
  • COBRA SCE: Protocolo Catálogo de Conductas Prohibidas y parámetros de Comportamientos Esperados
  • COBRA SCE: Protocolo Código de Conducta para Socios de Negocio
  • COBRA SCE: Protocolo Cumplimiento de la Normativa de Defensa de la Competencia
  • COBRA SCE: Protocolo sobre Pagos de Facilitación
  • COBRA SCE: Protocolo de gestión de las relaciones con Administraciones Públicas y Funcionarios
  • COBRA SCE: Protocolo Cumplimiento de la Normativa de Defensa de la Competencia

Asimismo, a nivel interno, Makiber ha publicado los siguientes documentos:

  • MAKIBER: Código de Conducta Ético
  • MAKIBER: Plan de Lucha contra la Corrupción
  • MAKIBER: Manual de Prevención de Delitos
  • MAKIBER: Política de Confidencialidad
  • MAKIBER: Política sobre el Uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación
  • MAKIBER: Política de Privacidad
  • MAKIBER: Política de Compliance Penal, Antisoborno y Conductas Contrarias al Derecho de Defensa de la Competencia
  • MAKIBER: Procedimiento de Tramitación de Denuncias
  • MAKIBER: Protocolo de Cumplimiento Normativo
  • MAKIBER: Manual sobre Cortesías Profesionales

El diseño del Programa de Cumplimiento Normativo recoge y aplica buenas prácticas de prevención de riesgos penales y promoción de un comportamiento empresarial ético, alineadas con las exigencias del Código Penal.

Cualquier persona que tenga conocimiento o sospecha de alguna infracción, acción ilegal, comportamiento inadecuado, etc. podrá utilizar, además del reporte al Responsable de Cumplimiento Corporativo, los siguientes medios habilitados:

Plataforma digital https://cobrais.integrityline.com

Línea telefónica:

España: +34 900 535 362

Perú: +51 080 071 556

Si opta por este medio, se le solicitará el código de servicio 22656 durante la llamada.

Correo postal a la atención del Responsable Canal Ético, MAKIBER COMPLIANCE OFFICER, Paseo de la Castellana Nº 182 – 28046 Madrid (España).

Si tiene dudas o consultas que hacernos en materia de cumplimiento normativo puede hacérnoslas llegar a través de la siguiente dirección de correo electrónico: infocompliance@makiber.com 

In this context and to meet this objective, the most important regulations of the VINCI Group regarding Compliance are identified and part of our Criminal Compliance and Anti-Bribery Management System:

Likewise, the list of COBRA SCE Protocols, being contained in our Criminal Compliance and Anti-Bribery Management System, is also included:

Likewise, internally, Makiber has published the following documents:

  • MAKIBER: Code of Ethical Conduct
  • MAKIBER: Crime Prevention Manual
  • MAKIBER: Crime Prevention Manual
  • MAKIBER: Confidentiality Policy
  • MAKIBER: Information and Communication Technology Use Policy
  • MAKIBER: Privacy Policy
  • MAKIBER: Criminal and Anti-Bribery Compliance Policy
  • MAKIBER: Complaints Procedure
  • MAKIBER: Protocol of Compliance
  • MAKIBER: Manual on Professional Courtesies

The design of the Compliance Programme incorporates and applies good practices in the prevention of criminal risks and the promotion of ethical business behaviour, in line with the requirements of the Criminal Code.

Any person who has knowledge or suspicion of any infraction, illegal action, inappropriate behaviour, etc. may use, in addition to the report to the Responsible for Corporate Compliance, the following means enabled:

Digital platform https://cobrais.integrityline.com

Telephone line

Spain: +34 900 535 362

Peru: +51 080 071 556

If you choose this method, you will be asked for service code 22656 during the call.

Postal mail to the attention of the Responsible Ethical Channel, MAKIBER COMPLIANCE OFFICER, Paseo de la Castellana Nº 182 – 28046 Madrid (Spain).

SIf you have any doubts or queries about compliance, you can send them to us by e-mail: infocompliance@makiber.com